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Types Of Subpoenas


Federal Grand Jury Subpoenas

Types of Subpoenas

Subpoena Duces Tecum and Subpoena Ad Testificandum

There are two types of grand jury subpoenas: subpoena duces tecum and subpoena ad testificandum. A subpoena duces tecum requires the recipient to produce physical evidence, such as documents or other materials, to the grand jury. A subpoena ad testificandum requires the recipient to appear before the grand jury and provide testimony under oath. Federal grand jury subpoenas are not easily quashed and rarely overturned on grounds that they call for irrelevant information or exceed the grand jury's authority.

Receiving a grand jury subpoena can be intimidating, but preparation can make the process less stressful. This article provides step-by-step guidance on navigating a grand jury subpoena.

