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Grand Jury Summons

Jury summons

What to do if you get a jury summons

If you receive a jury summons, you must respond within 7 days of getting it. You can respond online, by post, or by phone. You must tell the court if you cannot serve on the jury. You can also ask to be excused from jury service if you have a good reason. If you do not respond to the jury summons, you may be fined or jailed.

How to respond to a jury summons online

To respond to a jury summons online, you will need the summons number and your date of birth. You can find the summons number on the front of the summons. Once you have the summons number and your date of birth, you can go to the following website:

On the website, you will need to enter the summons number and your date of birth. You will then be able to complete the online form. Once you have completed the form, you will need to submit it. You will receive an email confirmation once your response has been submitted.

How to respond to a jury summons by post

To respond to a jury summons by post, you will need to complete the form that came with the summons. Once you have completed the form, you will need to return it to the court by the date stated on the summons. You can find the address of the court on the summons.

How to respond to a jury summons by phone

To respond to a jury summons by phone, you will need to call the number that is stated on the summons. You will need to provide the summons number and your date of birth. You will then be able to speak to a member of the court staff who will help you to complete the jury summons.
